Denis Wick - HeavyTop Cornet Mouthpieces

Wick HeavyTop mouthpieces are designed to reduce the amount of vibration lost through the mouthpiece. Additional mass in key areas transfers the energy much more efficiently, resulting in improved projection and stability.

Denis Wick has revolutionized the cornet playing world with his careful attention to sound and design. As a result of his work, Wick cornet mouthpieces create a rich, creamy tone unmatched by any other manufacturer.

Carefully worked out cups, throats and bores have given today’s superbly talented young players opportunities that were simply not available to earlier generations. The richness, sweetness and flexibility of modern cornet playing, so much a characteristic of the best brass bands are attributable to the careful research which Denis Wick has done in cornet mouthpiece design.

      Shipping specs

      Weight: 0.13 kg
      Dimensions: 5 × 5 × 11 cm

      About Denis Wick mouthpieces

      The first Denis Wick mouthpieces were made in 1968, and range has grown so much, that it is now one of the largest and most comprehensive in the world. They are famous for their wonderful sound and brilliant designs, and are produced to the highest technical specifications.

      Special attention is paid to the rims, which are both comfortable and consistent. Special techniques are used to produce beautiful and extremely hard-wearing silver and gold plating. Many mouthpieces are available in Heritage and Heavytop formats as well as in the Classic shape.

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